About Us

Welcome to Bridgefoot Meadows website. We have a smallholding in Kirdford, a tiny village in West Sussex, where we have a real mixed bag of animals!
Firstly, there are our horses, next there are our goats, next come our half a dozen sheep, a few chickens thrown into the mix, and finally, our pigs.
We started keeping pigs about 8 years ago, just buying in a couple of weaners for fattening. We were then asked if we could do a hog roast for a friend, so on a whim, we had a machine made to our design. This proved a great success, and soon we were asked if we could do more!
This led to the next problem of not having enough pigs. So we took the next step and decided to have a go at breeding. So what breed? We had already decided to keep traditional rare breeds, firstly, because we wanted to help protect  rare breeds of pigs,and secondly because we believe the taste is far superior!
We are lucky to have a top Gloucester Oldspot breeder not to far away, so that was the first obvious choice. Next, something different.I liked the look of the Large Black, so that was next, and lastly, well, we have two breeds of lop eared pigs , so we decided on Tamworths.